IV. year of the Czech Republic Championship in the driving of the skills of the driving cars
Allow us to drive you on this wayIV. year of the Czech Republic Championship in the driving of the skills of the drivers of the "Travel Rodeo",which will take place inFriday, October 1, 2021 in Jihlavaunder the auspices of the Governor of the Vysočina RegionMgr. Vítězslav Schrek, MBAand his deputy for finance and transportIng. Miroslava Houška.
The Czech Road Society Z.S. And by agreement with it, this year's organizer is the Regional Administration and Maintenance of the Vysočina Roads. The event will take place in the KSÚSV area in Jihlava.
Please send your participation confirmation as soon as possible.
Contact email addresses:sparkrova.m@ksusv.cz,ksusv@ksusv.cz
We will send you the clarifying information.
In honor
Ing. Radovan Necid
Director of the contributory organization