Management and Maintenance of Communications.

The main objective of the section is to organize the annual seminar current issues of road management and maintenance. He also cooperates on evaluating the safety of traffic on class I roads and is working on measures to increase safety in this area. It also deals with the issue of road trees and the greening of the central belt.

Tomáš Voráček

předseda odborné sekce Správa a údržba komunikací

Program of activities of the professional section

  • Repeating Actions Every year: Current Questions of Administration and Maintenance PK
  • Cooperation to evaluate the safety of traffic on class I roads
  • Cooperation on the proposal of measures to increase traffic safety
  • Cooperation in solving the issue of road trees and greening of the center belt

Articles in the road horizon

Posts of Section

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
Novotného lávka 200/5, 110 00 Praha 1
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