Traffic Safety.

The purpose of the professional section of road safety is to increase the information of the professional public about the importance of the safe transport area. The activities of the section are based on the basic principle of life protection and the health of all road users, which affects planning, designing, construction, maintenance and operation of roads. It cooperates by the BESIP 2021-2030 Action Plan for the determination and fulfillment of the activities of the Action Plan of the BESIP 2021-2030 strategy. Furthermore, through articles for the magazine Road Horizon and the organization of professional lectures at events organized by the CSS, it transmits up -to -date information on events in the field. It focuses primarily on the development of accidents on the Roads of the Czech Republic, research at national and international level and on updating European and national regulations and standards in relation to the rolling of safe road infrastructure.

Ing. Jindřich Frič, PhD.

předseda odborné sekce Bezpečnost silničního provozu

Other members of the section of the section

doc. Ing. Josef Kocourek, Ph.D.
Ing. Martin Lipl

Program of activities of the professional section

  • The purpose of the section is to increase the awareness of the professional public about the formation of a safe transport area through the development of activities aimed at promoting the importance of road safety. The application of these activities carried out in planning, designing, construction, maintenance and operation of roads is based on the basic principle of life protection and health of all road users.
  • Transmitting information on research results at national and international level.
  • Transmission of information on updating European and national regulations and standards in relation to the rolling of safe road infrastructure.
  • Transmission of information on the development of accidents on roads včr.
  • Cooperation by the Smoinister of Transport in the determination and fulfillment of the activities of the BESIP 2021-2030 Action Plan, especially inclined to the road infrastructure.
  • Preparation of articles for the magazine Road horizon with a focus on road safety.
  • Organization of professional lectures at events organized by CSS and cooperation with other organizers of conferences and workshops.
  • Regular update of the website of the section.

List of active members of the

Ing. Luděk Bartoš, Ph.D.

EDIP s.r.o.

Ing. Milan Devera


Ing. Jindřich Frič, Ph.D.

CDV, v.v.i.
předseda sekce

Ing. Jaroslav Heinrich

HBH projekt spol. s r.o.

Ing. Zdeněk Hrubý

doc. Ing. Josef Kocourek, Ph.D.

ČVUT v Praze FD
vedení sekce

Ing. Petr Kozák

HBH projekt spol. s r.o.

Ing. Jiří Landa

Ing. Jiří Lávic


Ing. Martin Lipl

HBH projekt spol. s r.o.
vedení sekce

Ing. Radka Matuszková


Ing. Jakub Motl

CDV, v.v.i.

Ing. Petr Novotný, Ph.D.

Ateliér MOK

Ing. Tomáš Padělek, Ph.D.

ČVUT v Praze FD

Ing. Michal Radimský, Ph.D.


Ing. Aleš Richtr


Ing. Pavel Skládaný

CDV, v.v.i.

Ing. Pavel Suntych


doc. Ing. Jindřich Šachl, CSc.

Ing. Zora Šachlová

Ing. Michael Vafek

Ing. Veronika Valentová, Ph.D.

CDV, v.v.i.

Articles in the road horizon

Posts of Section

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
Novotného lávka 200/5, 110 00 Praha 1
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