Road bridges.

The professional section of the road bridges contributes to the dissemination of information about science and research projects in the area. He cooperates with universities and the association for Transport Telematics of the Czech Republic, with which he instructs the standards of transport telematics solved within the technical committees of ISO and prices. It spreads its knowledge in the publication activities in the magazine Road Horizon and at professional seminars and workshops. Last but not least, it informs about the activities of the Technical Committee of the World Road Association (Piarc).

Ing. Jan Volek

předseda odborné sekce Silniční mosty

Program of activities of the professional section

  • Cooperation in the publication of the journal Road Horizon (with publishing your own articles)
  • Cooperation in organizing professional seminars and workshops in the issue
  • Cooperation with the Association for Transport Telematics of the Czech Republic
  • Dissemination of Knowledge of Transport Telematics Standards Docuted within the ISO and Price Technical Commission
  • Support and disseminate information about science and research projects, cooperation with universities
  • Information on the activities of the Piarc Technical Committee
  • Manage the website of the section on the Czechoslovak server

List of active members of the

Karel Dahinter

Zdeněk Hlasivec

Václav Hvízdal

Jiří Chládek

Pavel Mařík

František Mašek

Jan Švarc

Jan Volek

Dana Wangler

Articles in the road horizon

Posts of Section

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
Novotného lávka 200/5, 110 00 Praha 1
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