
The Czech Road Society leads 12 professional work sections that are engaged in important aspects of road. Their task is to inform and promote requirements and in specific areas. The management of the sections is held by experts on the issue and active members participate in activities.

Automatically created concept

The professional section of the environment is a newly emerging section that will focus on sustainability and ecology as part of current trends.

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The newly established section of the economy and management of buildings deals with economic topics and focusing on the development of prices in traffic construction.

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Automatically created concept

The professional section of Transport Telematics and Systems deals with the development of cooperation in the field of intelligent traffic systems on roads in the Czech Republic.

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Road and urban traffic engineering (Sami)

The professional section of the road and urban transport engineering focuses on the education of transport engineers in the form of professional seminars and professional publications. For example, he presents his professional knowledge on traffic engineering days in Mikulov or at a road conference.

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Management and Maintenance of Communications

The management and maintenance of roads deals with the issue of safety on class I roads, road trees and the greening of the central belt. It also organizes an annual seminar current issues of road administration and maintenance.

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Cement -concrete pavement

This section addresses areas of road repairs, anti -skid properties, aggregates for cement -concrete covers and tunnels. It also deals with new European standards ČSN EN and TKP revisions.

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Asphalt roads

The asphalt road section participates in the revision of European standards and organizes thematic workshops. An important activity of the section is also the organization of the conference of the asphalt road of the same name.

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The surface properties of the roads

The focus of the surface characteristics of the roads is devoted to data collection in connection with road management systems. He also participates in the discussion of national regulations in the function of the National application team (NAT) for EN and ISO standards.

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Road tunnels

The main focus of this professional section is the safety in tunnels. As part of its issue, it established numerous cooperation with the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, the Transport Police and the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic.

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Ground work, drainage and substructure

The focus of this section is focused on the professional public in the Czech Republic, for which it formulates and translates Czech opinions of Piarc. It also transmits information on the issue of drainage, earthworks and substructions between CSS members.

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Traffic Safety

The mission of the professional section is the protection of the life and health of the road users. It focuses on the development of accidents on the Roads of the Czech Republic and together with the Ministry of Transport cooperates on the BESIP 2021-2030 strategy.

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Road bridges

The Road Bridge professional section cooperates with universities and the Association for Transport Telematics of the Czech Republic, with which it instructs the standards of transport telematics solved within the technical committees of ISO and prices.

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Česká silniční společnost z.s.
Novotného lávka 200/5, 110 00 Praha 1
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