Ground work, drainage and substructure.

This section is a link between the World Road Association (Piarc) and the professional public in the Czech Republic. As part of the adoption of international regulations, it formulates and translates Czech opinions. It also serves to transmit information on the development of the field and spreads awareness of the importance of the professional solution of the issue of drainage, earthworks and substructions between CSS members. For this purpose, it also organizes professional seminars and participates in the events organized by the CSS.

doc. RNDr. František Kresta

předseda odborné sekce Zemní práce, odvodnění a spodní stavba

Program of activities of the professional section

  • The link between AIPCR and the professional public in the Czech Republic
    • passing information on development in this field
    • formulation and submission of Czech opinions and comments
    • Creating international regulations and standards
    • Active participation in the creation of European Earth's Laws - Membership in TC 396 Earthworks at prices in Brussels
  • relationship to the CSS
    • deepening knowledge and awareness of the importance of professional solution of the issue of drainage, earthworks and substructions between CSS members
    • Active participation in events organized by CSS
  • educational
    • Continuation of the tradition of organizing one -day professional seminars
    • Use of progressive information technologies such as the Internet, to disseminate professional information
    • Organization of the 5th International Seminar Earthworks in Europe 21.-22.4. 2022 in Prague

Articles in the road horizon

Posts of Section

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
Novotného lávka 200/5, 110 00 Praha 1
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