Automatically created concept.

The Transport Telematics and Systems section deals with the development of cooperation in the field of intelligent transport systems, ie in the field of traffic on roads, contributing to increasing the smoothness and safety of transport, reducing traffic congestion and environmental burden and optimization of economic impacts. The section actively cooperates with other platforms dealing with transport telematics or transport systems, especially the state administration, the academic and the private sphere in the Czech Republic and abroad.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Tichý, Ph.D., MBA

předseda odborné sekce Dopravní telematika a systémy

Program of activities of the professional section

  • cooperation with associations or initiatives dealing with telematics in the Czech Republic and abroad;
  • cooperation with commercial and academic sphere;
  • cooperation with other organizations to ensure development and education;
  • cooperation with ministries, state administration and self -government;
  • active participation in the meeting of the Piarc working group;
  • organization of professional seminars and courses for the issue;
  • educational activities, publishing in professional periodicals;
  • Dissemination of information about new standards in Transport Telematics based on ISO and prices;
  • Support, cooperation and dissemination of information about R&D projects.

Articles in the road horizon

Posts of Section

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
Novotného lávka 200/5, 110 00 Praha 1
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