Road and urban traffic engineering (Sami).

The Road and City Transport Engineering section contributes to the awareness of the transport engineer in the Czech Republic and their further education in the form of professional seminars and workshops with an emphasis on mutual discussion. Members of the section in the current articles of the road horizon and on traffic engineering days in Mikulov and the road conference are present

Ing. Dagmar Kočárková, Ph.D.

předseda odborné sekce Silniční a městské dopravní inženýrství

Program of activities of the professional section

  • The aim of the section is to educate transport engineers in the Czech Republic and mutual transmission of information and other education on knowledge in the field of transport engineering within the professional and wider public
  • The section cooperates on the concept of urban and active mobility, especially in the field of discussion with both experts and the wider public
  • Section activities and up -to -date information from the field are presented on the website of the CSS
  • Part of the regular meetings is a professional topic for discussion, which is presented and subsequently discussed, the section comments on current professional issues and accepts recommendations determined by the CSS Board
  • Members of the section publish current articles in the road horizon, present new professional knowledge at the Transport Company and at the Road Conference
  • The members of the section actively participate in international cooperation in the framework of work in the Piarc Technical Committees

List of active members of the

Ing. Luděk Bartoš, Ph.D.

EDIP s.r.o., vědecký tajemník ČSS z.s.

Ing. arch. Tomáš Cach


Ing. Zuzana Čarská, Ph.D.

ČVUT v Praze Fakulta dopravní

Ing. Pavel Fiala

Policejní prezidium ČR

Ing. Jindřich Frič, Ph.D.

CDV, v.v.i.

Ing. Jaroslav Heinrich

HBH projekt s.r.o.

Ing. Dagmar Kočárková, Ph.D.

ČVUT v Praze Fakulta dopravní, předsedkyně sekce SAMDI

Ing. Jan Kovařík

Odbor dopravy MČ Prahy 7

Ing. Martin Krejčí

Haskoning DHV CR s.r.o.

Ing. Rudolf Kubr

Ing. Ondřej Kyp

AFRY CZ s.r.o.

Ing. Jiří Landa

doc. Ing. Ivana Mahdalová, Ph.D.

VŠB-TU Ostrava, FAST

Ing. Jaroslav Martinek

Partnerství pro městskou mobilitu

Ing. Jan Martolos

EDIP s.r.o.

Ing. Petr Novotný, Ph.D., MBA

Atelier MOK

Ing. Michal Radimský, Ph.D.

VUT Brno, Fakulta stavební

Ing. Eva Simonová

Ph.D., CDV, v.v.i.

Ing. Ondřej Vohradský

Správa veřejného statku Plzeň

Ing. Martin Všetečka

VUT Brno, Fakulta stavební

Articles in the road horizon

Posts of Section

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