Cement -concrete pavement.

The priority of the cement -concrete pavement section is the replacement of experience in the area of road repairs, anti -skid properties, aggregates for cement -concrete covers and tunnels. It also deals with the new European standards ČSN EN and participates in their five -year revisions from putting into practice. It also participates in the revisions of the technical qualitative conditions of buildings (TKP) concerning cement -concrete covers. It solves their catalog sheets of faults, repairs, reconstruction, nursing and alkaline-water reaction in concrete. Its experience in the construction and repair of CB of covers also contributes to the publication of professional articles. Last but not least, it follows world industry trends and applies international knowledge in its own realization.

Ing. Stanislav Bedřich

předseda odborné sekce Cementobetonové vozovky

Program of activities of the professional section

  • Priority is the exchange of experience (introduction of ČSN EN and new or revised ČSN, aggregates for CB covers, anti -skid properties, repairs, problems of tunnels)
  • Active participation
    • In the collection of five years of experience with European standards (revision after five years of putting into practice)
    • During the revisions of the TKP concerning cement-concrete covers (their repairs and reconstruction, catalog leaves of faults, treatment, alkaline-criminal reaction in concrete)
  • monitoring the development of concrete pavements in the world and the application of this knowledge in our conditions in technical regulations and in its own implementation
  • Publishing professional articles on experience and new knowledge from the construction and repair of CB covers

Articles in the road horizon

Posts of Section

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
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