Since 2018, the Czech Road Society has organized a competition for the best dissertation in the field of road construction. The aim of the competition is to support the incoming generation of experts, young scientists and doctoral students. The competition allows students to present and promote the best doctoral thesis in the fields of roads and technologies before the general public. The award -winning authors will be offered the possibility of publishing their work in the road horizon and will receive a financial reward in the amount of CZK 15,000, CZK 10,000 or CZK 5,000.
Login to the competition is free. The dissertation will be evaluated by a jury composed of experts of the Czech road company.
1st place
Ing. Tomáš Koudelka, Ph.D.
Technical University in Brno, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Recycling of asphalt binders using recovery ingredients
2nd place
Ing. et Ing. Radovan Hofírek, Ph.D.
Technical University in Brno, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Effect of changing the spare thickness of the cross -section on the behavior of concrete structures
3rd place
Ing. Gabriel Skronka, Ph.D.
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transport
A new method for analyzing asphalt binders
1st place
Ing. Jan Šilar, Ph.D.
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Transport
Using Modern Intelligent Transport Systems in Laying at rest
2nd place
Ing. Milan Holý, Ph.D.
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Optimization of composite bridge structures made of wood and UHPC
3rd place
Ing. Pavla Vacková, Ph.D.
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Research and evaluation of selected properties affecting the life of asphalt roads
1st place
Ing. Lucie Benešová, Ph.D.
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Analysis of selected rheological characteristics of asphalt binders
2nd place
Ing. Luboš Nouzovský, Ph.D.
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Transport
Influence of advertising facilities on road safety
3rd place
Ing. Iva Coufalíková, Ph.D.
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Using R-Material for asphalt mixtures type asphalt carpet Mastix
1st place
Ing. Dominik Suza, Ph.D.
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Temporary amplification of road bridges
2nd place
Ing. Zdeněk Svatý, Ph.D.
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Transport
Optimizing the method of obtaining and processing image materials for the needs of traffic accident analysis
3rd place
Cena nebyla udělena
1st place
Ing. Pavel Coufalík, Ph.D
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Rheological properties of asphalt binders
2nd place
Ing. Jiří Drozda, Ph.D.
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Verification of validation criteria for bridge railing crash barrier using numerical simulation
3rd place
Ing. Jiří Hanzl, Ph.D.
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Transport
Design of alternative routes of backbone roads in case of extraordinary and planned traffic restrictions