The surface properties of the roads.

The section brings together experts focused on the measurement and evaluation of the surface properties of roads, specifically unevenness, texture, anti -skid properties, noise and failure. The members of the section work with the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic and other PK administrators, working in professional groups and technical committees. At least once a year, he organizes negotiations, where the latest knowledge and results of the ongoing R&D projects are present.

Ing. Josef Stryk, Ph.D.

předseda odborné sekce Povrchové vlastnosti vozovek

Program of activities of the professional section

  • to perform the function of the national application team (NAT) for EN and ISO standards, technical specifications and other regulations proposed, discussed and approved prices/TC 227/WG 5
  • participate in the hearing of national regulations related to this issue
  • to deal with data collection in connection with road management systems
  • strive to establish national reference sections for checking the accuracy of measuring devices
  • support activities to ensure the accuracy of measuring devices according to TP 207
  • represent the Czech Republic in Piarc TC focused on roads
  • Inform research projects in the Czech Republic and abroad
  • cooperate with the Association for the construction of roads, RMD and road database
  • publishing and presentation activities

Articles in the road horizon

Posts of Section

Automatically created concept

The meeting took place in full -time form in Prague on Novotný footbridge 200/5.

It was attended by 18 people, mostly members of this section.

Downloads are the following documents for download:

- report from negotiations

Česká silniční společnost z.s.
Novotného lávka 200/5, 110 00 Praha 1
Code & design by 200solutions
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