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The aim of the editorial staff is to prepare the magazine road horizon for readers to fulfill their ideas and expectations and honestly stand up to a wide range of professional journals.
We strive to maintain the magazine not only readers - professional supporters but You, his prominent co -creators, authors from the ranks of experts. At the same time, we present the principles for smooth passing to the editors.
We accept the documents for publishing your articles in this form:
The most suitable are contributions that, while maintaining the desired professional level, will appeal to the wider professional public. Therefore, we ask you for an understandable and at the same time a brief form of interpretation of the issue. The optimum length of the cell is 4 to 5 pages. With a higher number of pages, the article can be divided into multiple parts.
Please choose the title of the article for spatial reasons as appropriate and economical. The name should not exceed 2 lines with the size of the bold font 14.
You can mention the company and a brief characteristic of the job position. We also welcome the author's photo.
For your articles, prepare annotation in Czech and English in the range of up to 100 words. The articles must also include keywords, also in Czech and English.
Each image, graph, or table should be clearly numbered and described. In the text, the numeric links should be included in the text. The formulation of labels should be brief and concise. Include images directly into the text before text text. If you send graphic information in other than electronic form, we ask for a clear numeric designation on the back.
The tables should be clearly arranged with the number of internal lines limited to the necessary minimum. Numerical data include rounded to the most necessary number of valid numbers. It is advisable not to put graphic information directly into the text of the article in the Word editor, but to mark their approximate location in the article by a numerical link. Graphic information is best sent in their original form, but in most cases we can process it from the Word document. If you use formulas in your post, they should be dependent on the text.
XThe processed text can be sent to the editor by mail to e-mail addresses: roads: The article, we will request his text on the portable medium together with the printed form, so please provide your contact details.
Please supply the image material in electronic form (in JPG, TIF, GIF, CDR, or AI). You can also send it by e-mail, floppy, or CD. If you have photos physically, we prefer professional scanning in the studio. If you want to scan them yourself, use 300 dpi resolution, exceptionally 150 dpi. Graphic processing depends on the quality of the image. Digital photographs should also be in terms of corresponding quality, so it is necessary to think about the resolution when taking a photo. Photos for printing must be much better, and thus larger than photos inserted into Word or on a website. Picture material is pleased to be sent as a separate file, with its location in the text.
The articles are further transmitted for inspection to professional guarantors or members of the editorial board. In the case of a negative opinion, the editorial office reserves the right not to disclose the contribution. The author will be informed of the decision.
We are looking forward to your articles, which will contribute to the comprehensive awareness of the general professional public.
XIn the free road horizon you will find the older previous issue of the road horizon. We are constantly expanding and digitizing the older issues of the magazine. Individual articles can be found in the database using keywords or authors.
In April 2022, since the establishment of a road horizon, the magazine of Czech and Slovak road workers has passed. In these 100 years, however, only 83 years came out, because the fate of the magazine depended on the events and transformations of our republic. The loss of 17 years was caused by the German occupation and restrictive government orders in the 1950s.
Read moreIn 1922-1942 in the period of the first Czechoslovak Republic and at the beginning of the occupation of our countries Nazi Germany, the magazine was published as an official Journal for General Communication issues. The publishers of the Bulletin were the Provincial Administrative Committee in Bohemia, the Provincial Committee in Moravia and the Provincial Administration Commission in Silesia. Ten years later, starting in 1932, four provincial committees became publishers, namely Czech, Moravian-Silesian, Slovak and Subcarpatorus. The magazine had the scope throughout the territory of pre -war Czechoslovakia. From the beginning of the occupation until 1942, the Bulletin of the Protectorate Country of Bohemia and Moravia issued, in April 1942 further issued by occupation authorities were banned.
The magazine was published as a monthly in black and white design, each issue of 16 pages of B5 format. Over time, tables, charts and photos were added as text add -ons. The professional content of the Bulletin was at that time the technical and technological issues of the construction of roads and bridges, the organization of road administration, regulations for the commissioning of buildings, the development of road networks and their restoration after the First World War. Thanks to the position of the “official Journal”, revenues and regulations, such as the Ministry of Public Work, were also based. Information from abroad, including an overview of selected foreign magazines, was often published.
After the end of World War II, thanks to the initiative of the renewed Czechoslovak road company and professors from universities in Prague, Brno and Bratislava, the tradition of the magazine was established. It was thus published 22nd Road Horizon as a monthly for road and bridge questions. The publisher of the magazine was the Czechoslovak Road Society with the cooperation of the Technology in Bratislava and the regional national committees.
The main editor was Professor František Loskot, operating at the Faculty of Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, the editorial board was led by an engineer, later professor, Josef Špůrek. Each number had 16 pages of A4 format and was divided into three parts. In the first part, the readers found important professional articles under the auspices "The original work," the second part was devoted to "patrols" organized in seven groups (eg regulations and regulations, road and bridge practice, improving patrol, patrol of the Czechoslovak road company) and the third part brought the third part) Readers various messages and information. In these years, the original works of Professor Loskot were published “Design elements of road construction” and “design of the bitumin road.” Furthermore, the steps in the preparation of the State Road Plan, information about news in the USSR road, but also the series Professor Beran “American Road Engineering . "
The road horizon is one of the oldest European professional periodicals. It was led at a very good professional level and with a considerable view. However, even his popularity with readers could not prevent his disappearance in extensive organizational changes made in Czechoslovakia in the early 1950s.
In 1951–1965, the publication of independent years of the road horizon was interrupted. Until 1958, articles, reports and information from the road field were published in the magazine "Roads" published by the Ministry of Building Industry. This magazine was a monthly for the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges and for road transport issues. The publication of the road magazine ended in 1958 as a result of the Government Order on the Reduction of the Number of Magazines.
In the following period until 1965, road issues were attached to the magazine “Road Transport,” which was a monthly for the issues of transport policy, economics and technology, and after incorporation also for issues of construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. The magazine was designed primarily for increasing the professional level of employees of businesses of Czechoslovak car transport. It was issued by the Ministry of Transport by Transport and Communications. The magazine had 32 pages of A4 format and a rich pictorial part. Over time, it has been shown that the combination of road management questions with the operating and economics of automobile transport in a single magazine is not acceptable or efficient. Therefore, in the mid -1960s, on the basis of the pressure of the professional road public, it was decided to restore the publication of a separate road magazine.
In 1966, the publication of the magazine The Road Horizon was restored and continues to this day. According to the imprint, it was a monthly for issues of road construction and maintenance, highway, local roads, airports, bridges, tunnels and road and urban transport engineering. Starting in 2022, the imprint was modified. The road horizon has A4 format and each number has 32 pages, lately more. By the beginning of the 1990s, the magazine was published by Nadas, now the publisher is the Czech road company itself.
From the restoration of publishing to date, articles in the magazine are published in the field of planning and designing roads and bridges, articles on the implementation of buildings and significant technologies. The authors of the articles are experts from research workplaces, universities, authorities, project institutions and implementation companies. In the early 1970s, the magazine paid increased attention to the preparation of the opening of highways. Special attention was paid to XIV. The World Road Congress, which took place in Prague in September 1971. The first issue in the extended edition of 64 pages was prepared as a monothematic, dedicated to the congress of the World Road Association (Piarc). The number included contributions to the Minister of Transport of the Czechoslovakia Dr. Ing. Štefan Šutka, President Piarc Roger Coquanda and prof. Ing. Špůrka, who evaluated the negotiations and conclusions of the congress.
From the restoration of publishing to date, articles in the magazine are published in the field of planning and designing roads and bridges, articles on the implementation of buildings and significant technologies. The authors of the articles are experts from research workplaces, universities, authorities, project institutions and implementation companies. In the early 1970s, the magazine paid increased attention to the preparation of the opening of highways. Special attention was paid to XIV. The World Road Congress, which took place in Prague in September 1971. The first issue in the extended edition of 64 pages was prepared as a monothematic, dedicated to the congress of the World Road Association (Piarc). The number included contributions to the Minister of Transport of the Czechoslovakia Dr. Ing. Štefan Šutka, President Piarc Roger Coquanda and prof. Ing. Špůrka, who evaluated the negotiations and conclusions of the congress.
The road horizon also publishes articles in the field of road administration and maintenance, transport engineering and transport safety. Rubrics inform about domestic and foreign attractions and a selection of articles from foreign magazines. An overview of Routes/Roads magazines is regularly published. The chairman of the editorial board of the magazine has been professor Josef Špůrek, chairman of the road company (current Czech road company) since 1966. After his departure, Ing. Jan Age and since 2002 Professor František Lehovec. Since 2019, Ing. Ondřej Vohradský. The editorial board now has 29 members, of which 4 from Slovakia. These are experts from universities, project and research institutes, administrative and self -governing bodies and implementation companies. The head of the editor is currently Ing. Jana Knechtová.
The turbulent period of 2020–2021 marked by the Covidal pandemy accelerated some changes in the road horizon. Since the beginning of 2022, the magazine has significantly changed its graphic design (both envelopes and internal arrangements), which is now more modern and clearer for readers. The thematic focus of individual numbers corresponding to the professional sections of the CSS remains during the year, so readers read about topics such as geotechnics, bridges, tunnels, transport engineering, concrete or asphalt roads and more. However, the aim is not to issue monothematic numbers. In addition to the original articles, the magazine also includes sections with various information. These are reports from the RMD, SÚS, reports of Piarc, or information about the events of the Czech road company and the Slovak Road Society. Newly, the magazine also publishes corporate articles that enrich the information and professional content of the magazine and strengthen the economic aspect of the publication of the magazine. This proved to be a necessity at the time of Covid.
Not only because of the fixed background in the publisher and its non -commercial nature, it continues to publish highly professional articles in the field of science and research, for example in the field of road construction, testing materials or transport engineering. In the long term, it seeks to strengthen information about the actions of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic and are looking for ways to greater involvement of authors from the ranks of universities.